A piece of happiness to take home with you
Crystal bed.
The crystal bed is a healing method that dates back to the Casa de Dom Inacio de Loyola in Abadiana, Brazil. The crystal bed is an important part of the treatment of physical, mental and emotional ailments there. This method uses specially polished and differently light coloured illuminated quartz crystals. From the Crystal Mines of Joao de Deus in Brazil seven crystals (laser crystals) of a "mother crystal" of exceptional purity are polished by hand and then charged with healing energies for a long time, then checked again. Only the most powerful are used to compose a crystal bed. A crystal bed treatment helps to restore the energetic basis of the body. These sessions serve to activate the self-healing powers and support the healing process. It is also used by many people for relaxation and invigoration or increasing the spiritual and mental abilities. A crystal bed session takes between 20 minutes and one hour, depending on how you respond. You should start with 20 minutes and progressively extend the duration in the following sessions. Children under 12 years should not be exposed for more than 20 minutes under the crystal lamp. The effect happens to some people already in the first treatment. For others it takes a few more sessions until the first results are noticed. The seven coloured crystal lamps are orientated towards the seven chakras, the main energy centers of the human being. Here you “bathe” in that light where your energy centers are cleaned and harmonised. For the session you should wear light or - even better - white clothes. After the treatment you should remain lying quietly for 5 to 10 minutes and do not make any effort. The crystal bed: - Strengthens the immune system and activate our self-healing powers - Promotes emotional, physical, mental and spiritual healing processes - Causes regeneration and stabilization at all levels - Strengths and support before and after surgery
Relaxation, a soothing fragrance, calming music for your soul and just let happen what wants to happen………a piece of happiness
Kamala Kiefer - Energetic Therapist - Carrer des Sol 1 - 07630 Campos - +34 607499343 - info@kamalakiefer.com - www.kamalakiefer.com
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